Love chess, but hate having to stop in the middle of a game when you don't have time to finish? This DIY vertical chess set made by Redditor pigthunder will ensure you never have to abandon a game again. It hangs on the wall, so you can pick up where you left off anytime.
Play the new co-operative game Pandemic with tips from this how-to video (no, the game Pandemic has nothing to do with Valentines Day, but don't hearts and flowers always remind you of communicable diseases?).
In a recent episode of The Big Bang Theory, character Sheldon Cooper designed a highly complicated three-person game of chess, with an odd-shaped nonagon board and two new pieces—serpent and old woman. Seemingly pioneering, in truth, three-player chess has been around since the early-1700s, with many different variations, most of which retain the basic game structure and sixteen pieces that each player controls.
A standard straight up and down Beyblade launch usually sends your Beyblade spinning around the edge of the Bey Stadium. If your opponent's Beyblade is in the center of the stadium this means that you will lose a lot of power before you hit them and probably lose the round. This video will show you how you can angle your launcher to do a sliding shot that will cross the middle of the stadium and win you more Beyblade.
The winder is the ziptie-like cord that you pull through your Beyblade launcher to start your Beyblade spinning around the board. They often come bent into a near-circle when purchased, and this can cause your shots to lose power and even break your launcher. Watch this video for a quick guide to straightening your winder and keeping your Beyblade spinning strong.
There are two basic types of launchers you can use to play Beyblade: light launchers and Beylaunchers. They are both effective but play rather differently, so watch this video for a rundown of the differences and different strategies for each launcher type.
Beyblade is a fun game from Japan that is very similar to Spinjas but much more complex. If you're new to the game or just ant some expert advice watch this video to learn about the four mains types of Beyblade (attack, defense, stamina, balance) and how they can each be used to play better Beyblade.
The Eldar can be the most powerful army in Warhammer 40,000 if used properly, but using them right is easier said than done. In this video you'll learn how to make a really awesome 1750-point Eldar army that will mop up any other army in the game.
The Eldar Harlequins are some of the most charismatic and seldom-played models in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, but did you know that you can make an entire powerful army out of them? You can. Watch this video to learn how to make an awesome 1750 point army list out of Eldar Harlequins.
Eldar Wraithlords are one of the bigger, nastier things that the Eldar can throw out, and using three of them is a great way to distract your opponent from the rest of your army. Watch this video to learn some great tactics and strategies for using Eldar Wraithlords in Warhammer 40,000.
The Eldar are the Elves of the Warhammer universe, and like Elves they have all sorts of crazy pseudo-magical powers to destroy their enemies. Their tank is called the Fire Prism, and it is somewhat hard to use since it only has one unique gun. Watch this video to learn the proper tactics for using a Fire Prism in an Eldar army to crush your enemies.
Warhammer 40,000 is an incredibly fun but daunting game for people to get in to. If you've been thinking of taking up Warhammer and you aren't sure where to start building your army, your expensive and beloved game set, watch this video to learn how to build an successful Warhammer 40k army with any race that will win you games.
The Assault Marines in Warhammer 40,000 never are sort of a tactical failure because they are so easy to shoot when using their assault packs. Watch this video to learn how one elite player uses them strategically in their army to win tournaments.
The Space Marine Dreadnought is one of the most powerful pieces a Space Marine player can deploy in Warhammer 40,000, but incorporating them into a good general strategy is crucial to their effectiveness. Watch this video to learn proper tactics and strategies for using Space Marine Dreadnoughts to crush your enemies.
Whether you're looking to publish your own game or just make your homebrew better, this tutorial is for you. Veteran game designer John Wick shares his insight earned from several decades of being a game designer to teach you how to write an awesome tabletop roleplaying game!
The Skrags/Gorgers are formidable opponents on the battle field in Warhammer, if you use them correctly. But half of having a good army is making sure they look good. In this video you will learn some techniques including glazes, layers, blends and more to pain a GREAT looking Gorger figure!
Although Candyland is a game of pure luck in a sense you can still increase your chances of winning. In this video you will get some tips on decreasing some bad draws from the card deck and getting yourself to victory!
Stippling is a technique by which you can apply a rust-like effect to the metal sections of a miniature you are painting and want to look haggard. This video will show you how to stipple paint onto a miniature to give them a realistic, rusty look. Think about using your paint brush like a sewing machine.
Chess is an amazing game of strategy, albeit pretty tough if you're playing against a good player. With the right strategies, however, you can become a pro in no time. This video will teach you some basic moves and strategies, as well as a way of thinking while playing, that will help you excel!
In this tutorial, we learn how to play the Dungeons and Dragons role playing game. To get started, you will most likely join an existing group, which is the easiest way to get started. You will be part of a story and have different adventures, depending on how your group is ran. You will need to have a full set of dice to play this, then go through the different adventures on the game. You will also need a character sheet to play and your player's handbook. Make your character, and pick all of...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make your own board game for 99 cents. First, trace out a name onto the board spelling out each letter. After this, break the letters down into different spaces, and color code them for different moves on the board. Write down the key for the colors underneath the name so you know what the colors mean. After this, draw the name onto a piece of paper, measuring out everything so all the spaces are the same size. Then, color in the spots on the board. Next, use...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to checkmate an opponent in four moves in Chess. This task is very easy, simple and fast to do. Begin by moving your pawn to E4. Then on your next turn move the bishop to C4 to attack F7. Now move the queen to A5, which also attacks F7. Finish by moving the queen to F7. This is an automatic checkmate because the opponent will lose the king in either way. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy playing board games such as Chess, and would like to...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to play marble pyramid. This is a 2 player game. Each player has 15 marbles. Players simply take turns placing the marbles onto the field. When 4 marbles form a square, a player is able to place a marble in the center to raise the marble level. Players continue placing and stacking the marbles until it forms into a pyramid. The player with the last marble on top wins the game. Players are also able to stack using their marbles from the field. This video...
In this Games video tutorial you will learn how to play the Pente (Pentagon) marble game. It's a game of skill and strategy played on a 14" square hardwood game board. It can be comfortably played by 2 people or two teams. Teams do not have to be balanced (two against one, three against two, any combination). The board is divided into 3/4" squares. The unique feature of this board is the four holding trays for the playing gems. First decide who will start. The starting player places a gem at...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to play the hardwood board game, Marble Solitaire. This board comes in 2 different sizes, 11" and 16". This is only a 1 player game. The game starts with all 36 marbles outside of the field, leaving the empty hole in the middle of the board. To play, simply jump one marble over another and place it into the tray. Continue jumping over the marbles until there is only one marble on the field. If you end up with more than one marble, you lose. This video...
Time to call up Guinness. Professors of Notre Dame University have supposedly invented the shortest possible game of Monopoly. Over in four turns (that's just nine rolls).
Chess is a serious game. People take chess so seriously that it is almost like a sport. All around the world people compete in matches and championships with this strategic game.If you are interested in joining the ranks of Bobby Fischer, start by looking at this tutorial. In this video, you will learn all of the basics to a game of chess.This clip will get you started on your journey and its up to you to practice and get better and better.So, check out the tutorial, challenge a friend and...
In order to play the game Risk, begin by setting up. Name a banker. Players choose a color. The number of players determines the number of armies. Remove the jokers from the country card packs. Shuffle the cards. Deal them face down. Players may not get an equal number.
Mancala is a classic board game that is played as seriously as Westerner's play Chess in some Asian and African cultures. Traditionally, Mancala is played with either a wooden gameboard or even with holes in the ground or stone. The game pieces are made of marbles, seeds or stones and are distributed evenly on the board.If you have never played this classic game, watch this tutorial for all of the rules of classic Mancala and learn how to get in on the action. Mancala is fun for all ages,...
Marble Push is a marble game resembling Abalone in which the objective is to crowd six of your opponent's marbles off of a hexagonal marble board. Lose your marbles with this lovely & ludicrously ludic lesson.
OuijaFreak shows viewers how to use a Ouija Board alone! First, you need to gently set the pointer on the board. Next, place your hands very lightly on the pointer. You'll want to be barely touching the pointer. Hold your wrists up and keep your hand off the table. Your hands cannot be heavy on the table - you need to keep everything light. First, you should ask if 'anyone is here' when using the board. A response can take even 20 minutes or even longer. You have to be patient. If you are not...
This video teaches you how to play the dice game Farkle. You will need 6 dice and a pen and paper to keep score with. The scores are as follows: 1(on the dice)= 100 points, 5(on the dice)= 50 points. A triple of any dice number is worth the number on the dice times 100. With the exception of a triple of one which equals 1000. A triple pair is also equal to 1000. (i.e., a pair of ones, a pair of threes and a pair of fives). A straight is consecutive numbers such as 1,2,3,4,5,6 which results in...
This introductory tutorial video offers instructions on how to get the most out of a Ouija board. Beginning with casting a circle, it covers the use of protective herbs and symbols, the importance of having water to offer to the spirits and a candle to focus energy, how to invoke a spirit or demon, some important questions that should be asked when a spirit answers the call, what types of questions are best, and how to correctly banish the spirit or demon at the end of the Ouija board session....
Easttexas937 shows viewers how to properly use a Ouija board to get the best experience. First you will need a Ouija board and a pointer. If you want to make these two things, you should use lightweight glass and make sure you make the board properly. You have to have an open mind and good intentions when you go in to use the board. There also must be no secrets between the friends playing and you should not have a friend that is not trustworthy. This will keep evil spirits out. Always have...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to win at Chess in two moves. First, you will need a chessboard. Pawns go up twice at the start or once. They attack diagonally. Otherwise they just go up once. The castle, or rook, go up and down or side to side. The bishop goes diagonally in both directions. The knight moves in an L shape in any direction. The queen can go sideways, diagonally, forward, and backward. The king can move only once space at a time. Once the board is set up, you are ready...
Mr. Trailer gives instructions on how to play a fun game called Farkle. Players will need five dice. He recommends casino dice which come in a pack of five. First roll the dice to see who goes first. The objective is to get ones, fives, triples, or straights. You have to get 650 to get on the board. Keep score on paper to keep track. Once you get on the board you can "stay" or roll again. Triples are 100 x the number. For example three 6's would be 600, a 1 would be 100, etc. Mr. Trailer has...
The video details which pieces you will use to win a game of chess quickly and by surprise. First off he explains the basic setup of the chess piece you will be defeating which is the weakest spot on the opponents side. He explains what moves you will be making on your side by first moving you pawn that is in front of your king. You will then move the kings bishop diagonal until it is in front of the queens bishop. You will then place the queen diagonal three spaces. From there you are setup to...
Becoming a chess master is very hard to do, and one of the most important things you need to learn is chess notation. Chess notation will help you study great chess games and learn classic moves and strategies. Check out this video and start studying, and who knows? You may be the next Bobby Fischer.You Will Need: * A chess set * Paper and pencil or pen
Anyone can play chess if they have the right training and in this three part video series The Grob Chess Club shows you how to move up to Class E (rated 1000-1199). This tutorial is great for everyone from beginners through people rated under 200.
Backgammon is played on a board with 24 triangles called points, the board it's divided in 4 quadrants and it's separate, 2 for one player and 2 for another player. At the beginning of the game each player have 15 checkers that is placed on the quadrant the player owns, each player have the checkers with different colors. And each player uses two dices to start the game. The objective of the game is to bears all your checkers off before you hold it, you cannot do this until all tour checkers...
Strategy is key to being a proclaimed chess player. You need to know the ins and outs of situations and you have to be quick in your wit. This video emulates very good strategy played in a chess game giving you keys to build your own winning tactics.
This video explains the rules on how to play backgammon, with World Series of Poker star and backgammon enthusiast Gus Hansen. First, he describes the board and how it is divided into four sections with six points in each, for a total of 24 points. Each player has 15 checkers and two dice. The checkers move in opposite directions, causing a lot of interaction between the two players while allowing for strategy and luck. You move all your checkers to your home board first, then take them off...
If your looking for a break from monopoly and checkers, try your hand at the ancient Chinese board game Go. Go is a strategic board game in which you must try to surround a vacant point on the board with your stones and avoid getting your stones tied up by your opponent.
This is a quick run through of a chess game or sequence of moves called the DOUBLE BISHOP SACRIFICE first played in Amsterdam by Lasker and Bauer in 1899. Basically it illustrates a move that resembles the moves of a "bird". Basically, the player demonstrates a series of moves in sequence as well as unorthodox moves. The player shows us the patterns and motives of each of the chess pieces. He also explains alternate moves and the intentions of each of the sides.
In this video shows a very informative chess match between Richard Retie and Capablanca. This video teaches a viewer various different strategies for an avid chess player or a beginner go hone his skills in a match. The video is narrated and shows the match as it plays out as well as several other possibilities the players could of taken as well as reasoning as to why certain positions were or were not taken. This video is a great learning tool for anyone interested in increasing their strategy...
In this video, the presenter takes you through all the pieces in turn, showing how each piece moves on the board. For example, the bishop can only move diagonally. Then, the presenter goes through some basic strategies, such as not sacrificing a queen to capture a rook, as a queen is worth more points. Finally, he shows you how to set the board up, where each piece is placed at the beginning. By watching this video you will have learned the rudimentary basics of playing chess.
This video teaches you how to mate with two bishops and a king when playing check. Instead of using just a king, here you'll see how to keep your bishops together and eventually pin the opponents king up against the wall. You'll learn how to properly line your bishops and always moving in the direction of your king. This is a step by step tutorial on how to psych out your oppenent with a few tricks to check mate at your next chess game.
Fantasize about role playing? One of the most popular venues for role playing medieval fantasy is the board game, Dungeons and Dragons. Get a group of three or four together and have a blast!
Expand on your knowledge! Trivial Pursuit is a great family game that can also teach you a lot in the process! If you want to learn how to play, check out this video.